Dashboards give the user a sneak peek into how things are going. Great dashboards provide the most critical information at a glance but offer lots of options intended to enhance the user experience and anticipate what function they want to perform.
Working at a company that has built its own platform, there are lots of opportunities to work on the dashboard and admin UXUI. Over my 3 years working at DigiPro Media, I have designed a complete overhaul of the entire UI of the DigiPaaS platform and designed numerous products (or modules) that become part of the platform’s ecosystem including, location trackers, form builders, billing systems, and lodging reservation systems. We also get special projects that come in where a client needs their own custom dashboard with visual data providing sophisticated feedback on how their website or web application is performing.
Here are a few that I have directed or been the designer on. All of these involved hours of discussion with front-end and back-end developers (those building it) and client stakeholders as well as our own production staff (the people using and administering the platform).
The core of the platform is the Customer Relationship Management tool or CRM. Every user that registers with the website or completes an online form gets put in the CRM. The dashboard allows administrators to view tasks, new contacts, alerts and more.
The ecommerce dashboard ties into the performance of store sales. You can view product sales and break it down by month, week or days plus a whole lot more.
The content dashboard relates to the items that make up a website. This includes pages, posts, galleries, sliders, testimonials and more.
Email Marketing
The email marketing dashboard displays performance metrics for clicks, interactions, opens and more.